5 other tips to optimize your blog posts for search engines

search engines

When you create a new blog post or page, you want people to come read it.

Search engines help people find your newly written blog post or page therefor it is important that we optimize it for those search engines.

Here are some 5 other tips for you, if you missed the 5 first tips you can read them here.

5 other tips to optimize your blog posts for search engines

1) Don't use your focus keyword more than once

When using a focus keyword, then we don't use one we already used for another blog post. 

The reason for this is that we don't want to compete against ourselves (one blog post to another we both have written) to get good rankings. 

This phenomenon we call keyword cannibalization.

2) Use short paragraphs

Visitors to your website skim your blog, it is the process of quickly viewing a section of text to get a general impression of the author's main argument, themes or ideas

This is the cold fact that each writer faces. People want fast answers and quick results. They’re really not after long discussions.

Short paragraphs encourage reading, hence why newspapers use them.

3) Spice up your content with images or videos

People are visual by nature and if they come on to a website that is nothing but text, it can become pretty boring really quick.

From a marketing point of view, it is important to have at least one image on a page, is so that you can effectively share it on social media. 

When you want to  spice up your blog post with images make sure those images apply to your content and brand.

4) Linking to external resources

Linking to high-quality external sources (other websites) to strengthen your point, or to give expert advice (because yes, we can't be an expert in everything) or for additional information helps you achieve authority.

In short; readers look for signals that your information is trustworthy, and external links are examples of that. 

Not all websites are equal (quality wise) so choosing which source to send your reader to is important. 

You want to avoid linking to pages that provide a poor user experience or show evidence of shady tactics.

5) The length of your URL

The page URL is maximum 75 characters long.

Neil Patel suggests that you try to shoot for around three to five words per URL because it’s simple and gives users a pretty clear idea of what a particular piece of content is all about.

Moz saysA well-crafted URL provides both humans and search engines an easy-to-understand sign of what the destination page will be about.


Write as much till you have brought your message

You aren't writing for the search engines but for actual people who read what you want to share, you will produce articles that will be of value and not boring to your readers. 

Hot tip: better content is typically longer.

If you have more tips to improve your rankings on the search engines, let me know in the comments below.

All the best,


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