5 tips to optimize your blog posts for search engines

optimize your blog posts

When you create a new blog post or page, you want people to come read it.

So, it is important that when you write your blog post; we optimize it for those search engines.

Search engines like Google, Bing, and many others allow their users to search the internet for content. 

When a user enters a query into a search engine, a search engine results page (SERP) comes up, ranking the found pages in order of their relevance. How this ranking happens, differs from one to another search engine.

5 tips to optimize your blog posts for search engines

1) Keyword research

When someone uses the search engine, he types in search queries, or other words; focus keywords. The first step in the optimization process is to choose the right focus keywords through keyword research with the help of a tool just for that, like Jaaxy  (has a free to use version and a Pro version (paid))

2) Use of keywords

Your focus keyword should be in your title, meta description, and your URL. They should also find it at the beginning of your content, your first paragraph.

The focus keyword will appear also in your content. One thing that you should keep in mind is that it’s easy to overdo this.

To avoid this, read the content on your own. If you feel that the post has excessive use of keywords, then you should reduce your keyword usage and make the post sound natural.

While there is no perfect keyword density, a keyword density of 1-1.5% is sufficient in most cases.

3) Focus keyword in Image Alt Attributes

Adding images to your articles encourages people to read them, and well-chosen images can also back up your message and get you a good ranking in image search results.

Image alt text describes the image textually so that search engines and screen readers (software used by the visually impaired) can understand what the image is. Using alt text correctly can help with your SEO.

4) Linking to Internal Resources

You link to other blog posts of your website; it aids in website navigation and gives your users a better experience.

Content links are a powerful signal to both the search engine and the user that the content you’re linking to is great. Readers want that. Thus, internal linking is helping the reader. But you’re also helping your SEO.

5) The length of your blog post

I believe your articles should be as long as you need to bring the message to your reader. 

According to the SEO industry, blog posts between 600 and 2500 words rank better. For a more in-depth research on this topic, read what Hook Agency has to say about.

If you do your research, use the right keywords, create a good headline and sub-headlines you will write better content and better content is typically longer ?

These are already 5 tips to improve your rankings, but surely there are more and those I will cover in future blog posts ?


Google is not the God of the digital world 

And so aren't the other search engines.

There are plenty of other methods to bring your message to your reader.

Sharing on social media channels, taking part in niche relevant forums or communities, to name a few.

I am sure you know more ways how to share your content with the wide world. Let me know in the comments if you do 🙂

All the best,

Luc Dermul


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