You don’t need to be a perfect writer to create content

create content

You create content with the purpose of educating people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you.

With that said, you need also to attract the right people with your content.

But what about the writing? With what I said before we are not writing the next best-selling book of the year but creating content relevant to our niche.

This brings us to my next topic...

You don't need to be as perfect as you think

People with good intentions make errors and don’t always publish groundbreaking work.

If you publish consistently, you’re not always going to be sharing great stuff. Some of it will just be okay.

And that's just fine!

Hell, even this piece of created content might not be that great. But I published it anyway...

"The false belief associated with perfectionism is that if everything is “just right” you'll protect yourself from someone pointing out something you did wrong or something they don't like."   Copyblogger

You simply can't control that someone finds it wrong or disagree with what you write.

Consistency makes you a writer

As I said in my other article, depending on the time that you have and the way you like to work you create content for your blog.

I do suggest planning out a content schedule and sticking to it.

Write your headline first :

Your headline is a promise to readers. Its job is to clearly communicate the benefit you’ll deliver to the reader in exchange for their valuable time.

"Promises tend to be made before being fulfilled. Writing your content first puts you in the position of having to reverse-engineer your promise Turn it around the other way and you have the benefit of expressly fulfilling the compelling promise you made with the headline which ultimately helps to keep your content crisp and well-structured".-- Copyblogger

Copyblogger was so kind to let me give you an ebook "How to Write Magnetic Headlines", don't forget to grab this gift at our AS Vault at zero cost for you 😉

Dedicate some time to drafting your message

writingDo research on your message you want to bring. You can't be an expert at everything. So ain't I.

Use bullet points to what you want to say, these you can use later than as your subheadings.

After this is done, you start adding the text about what you want to say. In other words; your paragraphs.


Spice up your content with pictures

When we create content we want them to be easy to read and spice them up with images.

While we are not novelists, we aren't lawyers either who have to produce legal documents that are boring ( well, to me, maybe also to you?) unless you are a lawyer.

People are visual by nature and if they come on to a website that is nothing but text, it can become pretty boring really quick.

Edit your own writing by reading it backward

First impressions matter. If your content is plagued by spelling errors and poor grammar, people will likely think twice about the quality of your products or services.

So check not once, but twice.  edit   

We all sometimes make a typo that omits or changes a letter in a word. A typo like that is difficult to spot when the mistake is still an actual word (or words).

While well-known and trusted websites might get away with written mistakes, and yours is not, you want to demonstrate that you treat your content with care and aim to create the best possible experience for your readers.

When you’re satisfied after your final round of editing, proofread from the end to the beginning.

Start at the end of your document and read the last sentence… then the second to last sentence… then the third to last sentence… and so on until you’ve read the entire last paragraph.

"Why?" You might ask.

It’s easier to spot writing mishaps when you view your words in a different order, and even though you’ve dedicated time to just proofreading, you’ll also often make edits that strengthen your writing.

Personalize with a photo

People who understand your value need to see you, even if you "think" you don't look good (beauty is in the eye of the beholder) That is why you will always see a photo of me at the end of each piece of content I created.

The length of an article you write.

While the somewhat "industry" accepted standard is 250-600 words. Write as much as you need to bring your message.

A pet peeve of mine is: "You write for your readers, not for search engines"

Remind people to comment, share and/or subscribe.

You want others to know that you have written another article, so ask your readers to share your content and subscribe to your email list to stay up to date on what is going on in your blog.

Final thoughts

In the end, you need to be taken seriously by your value, not by the volume of content you create.

Ultimately, it’s not about you. You focus on helping someone else with your content.

All the best,


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