Wealthy Affiliate Successes – January 2020

Wealthy Affiliate Successes for the month of January 2020

If you still wonder if affiliate marketing and with Wealthy Affiliate as your guide to success works, here are some Wealthy Affiliate success stories (click the headlines to read full success story)

Milestone Year: 2019 was better than I could have imagined!

Wrapping it up, 2019 went above and beyond what she expected. Her blog went WAY beyond... way, way, way beyond. You get the point...

First Fee on Amazon

Ryan (deeptreble, nickname at WA) earned his first 18 bucks through fees on Amazon.

My Online Biz: $85.5K THANKS WA! Lessons Learned In 2019

Littlemama made $43,784 in 2019. This is what she says herself:

My online business has generated $85.5K since its inception and although I'm quite disappointed that I didn't nearly reach my 2019 goals, I actually can't believe I'm able to still make more than prior year from the year I had in 2019.

Wealthy Affiliate Works! My site has 66 sales for 2 months work!

She was incredibly surprised to see that her humble little site had made 66 sales and has had over 1400 clicks on her links. Now to some on here that may seem small fry, however this was achieved with about 8-10 weeks work, the remainder of the time it has been left to simmer.

I Made Over $1 Million With Affiliate Marketing.

He was floored to discover that he had earned over $1 million dollars with Google AdSense over the course of a decade. Think about that, that was just 1 company! He is an affiliate of many more companies and made hundreds of thousands with others.

I Made a $100 Dollars!

Christine at the airport, waiting to catch her plane to Mexico City, because she had to renew her passport at the Belgian embassy. So, she took advantage of the time and did some website comments. She reached $100 us in website comments!

And much more to read at Wealthy Affiliate

Learn the ropes of affiliate marketing the right way

I highly recommend that you join Wealthy Affiliate if you are serious about learning the ropes of affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one platform for teaching and helping people how to make money online with Affiliate Marketing.

Read also my review on Wealthy Affiliate.

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Join Wealthy Affiliate now, and I will see you inside!

All the best,


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