What did you think? Write a review.

What did you think? Write a review.

Product reviews are a very important part of your business as an affiliate marketer.

People are spending millions online and are researching products or services before they buy them.

What is a product review?

A product review is a review that gives customers an opportunity to rate and comment on products they have or want to purchase, right on the product page or on other marketing channels online. Other consumers can read these when making a purchase decision.

What should you talk about?

The usual reason in affiliate marketing is to help a reader develop a better understanding of the product, its features, benefits, pros and cons and what your conclusion is.

In that conclusion, often the affiliate marketer will provide a link to the product he/she just reviewed  or to an alternative one and promotes (read receive a commission when you buy via that link)

Here some items you could cover:

  • Product Description
  • Who makes it (which company)
  • Price range of product
  • Features of the product
  • Benefits of the product
  • Pros & Cons
  • Customer Reviews
  • Your recommendation

Something about "honest" in your headline...

Before writing a review I do a lot of research too to see what others have to say, coming across other people's reviews of the product a lot of times the headline starts with " My honest review about product X,Y,Z."

It might be just me, but the first question that pops up in my mind when reading this is "Do you have dishonest reviews then too?" Just saying...

So avoid using the term "honest" in your headline when reviewing products.

Other words to avoid and I consider of the same category are: "genuine", "unbiased" and "real"

When writing a product review

Take in mind, you are in the business of helping people find a solution to their needs.

Writing product reviews is a brilliant way to do that.

No matter what kind of review you’re writing, you’re assessing someone’s execution of their vision or product of their hard work. So be genuine in expressing your opinion and aim to be objective in your assessment of the product.

All the best,


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