Category: Affiliate Marketing

I’m not into it for the money

Yeah right, I am sure this is not a hobby for you, Luc; I hear you say. Loyal dear reader, my affiliate marketing business is not a hobby.  So what do I mean when I said; I'm not into it for the money... Affiliate marketing is a business model...
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Advice on finding the right business mentor

When you want to start a business online finding the right business mentor can be a pain. With so many people out there who do you choose, when do you know you have the right fit for you? Have a straightforward plan What is it you want to do?...
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Things to consider before starting a business online

The internet offers many ways for you starting a business online. One of those ways (the best way?) is affiliate marketing. What is affiliate marketing? Simply put, affiliate marketing is earning a commission by promoting other people’s products. So you can go to a company (or an affiliate network...
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Amazon reduces commission rates in 17 categories

Amazon reduces commission rates in 17 categories out of 57 categories. Affiliates will get a minimum of a 50% cut in their affiliate commissions in those categories. Changes in the affiliate program’s commission rates are common They tend to make major changes in their commission structure in the...
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Why “Free” can be an ugly word for a marketer

As a new internet marketer and usually on a tight budget (and even not sure in what to invest first) then getting something for free is not only tempting but something you even love... When you offer something for free... it's a promise of something for nothing.  Why "Free" can...
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The importance of having a mentor or mentorship program

The importance of having a mentor or mentorship program I cannot emphasize enough. It might seem exciting to go it alone and create something on your own. However, the reality is that, while you have a great idea, you may not know exactly what you should be doing to...
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Research different affiliate programs and products

In this fifth step, I am gonna cover how you research different affiliate programs and products. If you did not read the previous steps before you can still do here: one, two, three and four. Ok, let's dive in! What is an affiliate program or product? Affiliate program it...
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Coronavirus making its mark around the world!

Not a day goes by or we read or see news about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) making its mark around the world. Governments are forced to take extreme measures to contain the virus. Not only does this impact our lives but also the economy. Businesses having to re-think their policies...
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Affiliate marketing: what can you do with it?

So, affiliate marketing, what can you do with it? Affiliate marketing has matured and can no longer be put away as an intrusive way to get visitors to convert into buyers. Overall results according to PerformanceIn indicate that affiliate marketing is ranked as a top-three channel for customer acquisition...
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So what’s in a domain name?

When you have bought professional web hosting to start your website you need to buy a domain name as well. A domain name you say? What is a domain name? A domain name is your personal or business home on the Internet, it’s a piece of online real estate...
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