Don’t give me an A or B, just give me the 3 C’s!

Ever been at a sports event and the cheerleaders ask the crowd, letter by letter, to spell out the name of the team?

Where they cheer to rev up their team and get the fans pumped.

Give me an A!

Give me a B!

Nope, don't give me an A or B, just give me the 3 C's!

The 3 C's you say?

If you want to start an online business in affiliate marketing, having the 3 C's paves the way to your success.

What are those 3 C's I'm talking about?

  • C is for Courage in stepping outside your comfort zone
  • C is for Commitment to your business
  • C is for Consistency in taking action daily

My perspective comes not only from working on my affiliate marketing business, but from my life's experiences over many years of successes and failures.

C is for Courage

When we start something new, like starting a new business online, it takes courage.

We have to dive head first out of our comfort zone.

When we learn new skills in affiliate marketing, it is not unusual to be fearful about screwing up.

We also are subconscious about embarrassing ourselves.

Hence, it requires a lot of effort to start a business online in the beginning.

That takes courage.

C is for Commitment

To build a successful affiliate marketing business, we must commit at the start.

The commitment to create a success plan and the commitment to follow it.

Be prepared to learn some new skills.

Follow the experts and learn from them.

C is for Consistency

No matter what coach you listen to, they all teach us to develop one critical trait: consistency.

To be consistent requires discipline. To develop discipline, we got to be consistent.

For example; it is far better to write one post a week every week without fail, rather than five a week and then nothing for the next two months.

Maintain your website by filling it with quality content.

Do what it takes to build traffic to your website.

Consistently offer quality products you trust or use. Don't chase the money by offering shady ones.


When you put the 3 C's together, what do you get?

A bonus C: congratulations on your success!

All the best,


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