How creative are you in your business?

You can't create something out of nothing. You first must find the ideas, the "stuff" that feeds the creative process. Ideas come while walking, recreating, or working on some other unrelated problem. Archimedes got his sudden insight about the principle of displacement that became a law of physics while...
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Google Guaranteed badge? Then $50 a month please

You could already advertise in the Local Pack via Google Ads for some time and show a Google Guarantee badge. And soon you can show "Google Guaranteed" in your organic display in the Local Pack. You can tick away $50 per month for that. What is Google Guaranteed? Google...
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Critical vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins – July 2020

To ensure that your WordPress website is secure and stays that way, you need to have a security plugin.  One reason is that they report regularly on critical vulnerabilities of plugins you might use. There are few available, although my preference goes to Wordfence. Already this month  Adning Advertising plugin...
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How to use images to increase website Traffic

Content marketers know that SEO, keywords, and good content layout generate website traffic. Using images the right way is another manner to increase your website traffic. Often forgotten, images are also content on their own, although we use them to illustrate our idea. They are a very important part of...
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Incognito mode not quite incognito with chrome?

Google has received a claim of about $5 billion in the US for tracking users surfing in so-called incognito mode. Google has violated the privacy of potentially millions of users by continuing to monitor internet usage while we set browsers to private mode. These are users who have surfed...
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Will Google pay for high-quality journalism?

Will Google pay for high-quality journalism? The American technology company Google has made agreements with news providers in Germany, Australia and Brazil to pay for journalistic articles that will be included in a new news service that the company will launch later this year. This will help publishers make...
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Many people start. Successful people finish.

Many people start. Successful people finish. In other words, they don't give up. Maybe you’ve started your affiliate business and put effort and time into it, but it seems like you have nothing to show for it. Or, maybe you’re thinking about starting one, but it seems like it’s...
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Wealthy Affiliate Successes – June 2020

Wealthy Affiliate Successes for the month of June 2020 If you still wonder if affiliate marketing with Wealthy Affiliate as your guide to success works, here are some Wealthy Affiliate success stories. (click the headlines to read the full success story) Operation Vegas: May Update - Bad News & Good News...
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How to choose colors for your web design

Color. It’s everywhere. Colors influence our visitors where to look, what to click, and how they interpret elements on a website. it’s important to understand how to choose colors for your web design, how to harness their power. Color wheel We separate colors in a color wheel into three...
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